YAY!! my blog's template is up again!
Thank you Chris Zhou!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Pomp and Circumstance
Today we had the official opening ceremony. I must say, it was rather nicely done. Not overwhelmingly complex or pompous, but nonetheless a dignified affair. I like the tents! and the dancers had this little green costume that reminded me of the pixie in moulin rouge... yea the kylie minogue one haha. I like the indian dance bit too, so energetic! If only i could do bhangra dance... ah well no talent in that area.. nuh uh.. couldnt see the malay dance and lion dance cos i was seated so far away.
The guest of honour was really pleasant, and what I appreciated most was that he was on time. On the dot! It was amazing, cos i've experience guest of honour's arriving really late for various functions, and they are nowhere as important as our GOH today.
so we actually managed to finish the whole thing 20 minutes ahead of time, which was cool cos I had duties to perform and didnt even have time to eat breakfast or eat something...
Only one little incident made me somewhat upset. at the end of the ceremony, as is usual practice and decorum, the GOH and VVIPs get to leave first, while every1 else waits. There was this uncle, a parent presumably, who insisted on leaving from the side(while the VVIPs were still at it). So of course a student usher, this young lady, asked him to wait. The uncouth parent simply shouted at her, like "NONSENSE". I felt so bad for the poor girl, who meekly stood aside.
Whats with these arrogant parents anyway? who do they think they are? president sr nathan?
firstly, the student usher is just doing her job. secondly, she is the daughter of some other parent too. I mean how would this uncle feel if his son/daughter was shouted at like dat by some other adult for no valid reason.
I wanted to walk up to him and say, pls lor if you dun wanna be here, dun come! we don't need him. duh. In fact if he dun like this place, dun even send his kids here can anot? duh. there are many kids out there who want the PRIVILEGE to be here.
Whats his problem? the rest of us, we all have to wait. and the GOH was already so punctual. and the whole event ended slightly early.
But of course I cant say sth like that. I would have to say, sir, pls forgive the young lady who's just trying to fulfill her duty, just as your own child as a responsible young man/lady probably would. I'm sure as an enlightened parent, that you would be happy to set a good example for your child to follow.
anw since i was not in charge of the ushers, i figured i shd not overstep authority and let the ushers in charge manage the scene... sigh, how are we going to raise good kids if the parents are so screwed up?
The guest of honour was really pleasant, and what I appreciated most was that he was on time. On the dot! It was amazing, cos i've experience guest of honour's arriving really late for various functions, and they are nowhere as important as our GOH today.
so we actually managed to finish the whole thing 20 minutes ahead of time, which was cool cos I had duties to perform and didnt even have time to eat breakfast or eat something...
Only one little incident made me somewhat upset. at the end of the ceremony, as is usual practice and decorum, the GOH and VVIPs get to leave first, while every1 else waits. There was this uncle, a parent presumably, who insisted on leaving from the side(while the VVIPs were still at it). So of course a student usher, this young lady, asked him to wait. The uncouth parent simply shouted at her, like "NONSENSE". I felt so bad for the poor girl, who meekly stood aside.
Whats with these arrogant parents anyway? who do they think they are? president sr nathan?
firstly, the student usher is just doing her job. secondly, she is the daughter of some other parent too. I mean how would this uncle feel if his son/daughter was shouted at like dat by some other adult for no valid reason.
I wanted to walk up to him and say, pls lor if you dun wanna be here, dun come! we don't need him. duh. In fact if he dun like this place, dun even send his kids here can anot? duh. there are many kids out there who want the PRIVILEGE to be here.
Whats his problem? the rest of us, we all have to wait. and the GOH was already so punctual. and the whole event ended slightly early.
But of course I cant say sth like that. I would have to say, sir, pls forgive the young lady who's just trying to fulfill her duty, just as your own child as a responsible young man/lady probably would. I'm sure as an enlightened parent, that you would be happy to set a good example for your child to follow.
anw since i was not in charge of the ushers, i figured i shd not overstep authority and let the ushers in charge manage the scene... sigh, how are we going to raise good kids if the parents are so screwed up?
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Extra Stoichio questions
I've placed 2 sets of extra stoichio questions with your chem reps. Includes redox
Those who didnt do well in chem lecture test, or are weak or slow at stoichio/ redox, please get a set and practice. See me to discuss answers.
Oh the following must get the notes to work on. You must do proper working with sig figs and dps all correct.
Changxun, Qingyuan
Kelly, Yuklun
Sophie (sufei), Ryan
Yanfen, Cassandra
Those who didnt do well in chem lecture test, or are weak or slow at stoichio/ redox, please get a set and practice. See me to discuss answers.
Oh the following must get the notes to work on. You must do proper working with sig figs and dps all correct.
Changxun, Qingyuan
Kelly, Yuklun
Sophie (sufei), Ryan
Yanfen, Cassandra
Monday, April 03, 2006
Since i've been talking about cars, i figured I may as well post some pics of the dreamiest cars!
besides the usual ferraris and lambos, there's another car that's absolutely HOT.
Its the Ford GT. check it out!

Hot eh?
The classic looking BMW Z8 (limited edition) is also a babe.

Unfortunately, I need to teach abt 100000 hrs of tuition before i can afford any of these babes above.(anybody knows any openings?)
besides the usual ferraris and lambos, there's another car that's absolutely HOT.
Its the Ford GT. check it out!

Hot eh?
The classic looking BMW Z8 (limited edition) is also a babe.

Unfortunately, I need to teach abt 100000 hrs of tuition before i can afford any of these babes above.(anybody knows any openings?)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
There must be balance in everything you do in life.. like after you have too much fun out with your friends, you should have fun alone playing computer games. or after you eat a lot of hot curry, you should balance that out with some cool ice cream.
okok i shall give model answers, like you need to balance work with exercise, family and friends. Or you need to eat a balanced diet.. And chemical equations needs to be balanced!
so, to balance off my earlier post about cabbies, I should say something nice...
Like, there are some nice helpful cabbies around, who drive really smoothly.
and and many cabbies offer interesting insights into social trends, politics, etc etc. seriously!
okok i shall give model answers, like you need to balance work with exercise, family and friends. Or you need to eat a balanced diet.. And chemical equations needs to be balanced!
so, to balance off my earlier post about cabbies, I should say something nice...
Like, there are some nice helpful cabbies around, who drive really smoothly.
and and many cabbies offer interesting insights into social trends, politics, etc etc. seriously!
Saturday, April 01, 2006
3 words about cabbies
I was just tagging in response to 6c old bird (henceforth 6COB, since he has never intro his own name) little comment about cab drivers.. and ... and I'm just so *arghs* about them that I HAVE to post about them. I've resisted so long against complaining abt cabbies.. but no more! ogay. again comments here are personal and general and of cse there may be exceptions k k so if ur fave bro/sis/mum/dad/uncle/aunty/granny/grandaddy happens to be a cab driver I dun mean to insult them ok!
For people who should have so much driving experience, they really have either bad driving skills or attitude!
1. Quite a few of them hog the right lane on major roads and expressways; they are going so slow why not just go on the middle lane and let the faster cars pass on the right lane?
2. Another important point is the way they change lanes. Quite a few cabs actually put me in situations of significant danger or inconvenience due to bad lane changing. either they dun care or have really bad speed + distance judgement,
For eg one time.. on an expressway.. i was cruising smoothly at quite a high speed on my own lane..there's no car in front or behind of me in my lane. All of a sudden this cab from the left, without signalling, switched into my lane, right in front of my car! And he was like crawling at 50 kmh!!! I was omg blare my horn, shine high beam lights, and jam my brakes all the way.. he did this abt 10m in front of me so there was barely enough time to react. I almost smashed right into him... what anIDIOT! it was so dangerous. I was going so fast, he shouldn't have cut out, without signalling somemore (even signal also cannot make it, our relative speeds are too different; driving sense tells you that you must match the speed of the cars on the lane you wanna change into).
And he should have seen me on his wing mirror (he prolly didn't check or didn't care, the stupid fool) he could have wait for me to pass since there were no cars behind me and he was way slower than me. idiot. As i driver i always look 10 cars ahead of and behind me when i drive and assess the situation properly, like who's fast who's slow and what their intentions are(like going to filter, turn left or right ahead etc etc)
many other incidence of this nature always happpen; eg another time on lornie road the exact same thing happened; i pressed my horn all the way as he happily swerved in front of my (rather fast)car while he was travelling so slowly. yes i could brake in time and slow down to avoid hitting him, but why'd he do that even when i was horning continuously at him? he can simply quit his lane changing and go back to the slower middle lane. and there's no car behind me so he can change out to the right lane when he's behind me. it makes sense cause i'm going fast and he's slow. I suspect that they have a bad attittude and just couldnt care. UGH. Anyways in this case I simply slowed down, and switch to middle and then to the left, accelerated again and overtook the vehicle on the middle lane and switched back to the right lane, IN FRONT OF THAT STUPID CAB. He's that slow. so why cause me that inconvenience? He should have let me pass before cutting out. And I was nice enough not to jam my own brakes and cause him the same inconvenience.
3. really bad spatial judgement. as i drive behind cabs , I noticed that on viaducts/ tunnels/anyplace with railings immediately on the left or right or the road, many cabs on either the right or left lane will begin to straddle lanes. Half the cab will be on the right lane, the other half on the centre. because the cabby is so scared of the tunnel/viaduct wall.
DUH what lousy drivers. the cab is a small vehicle that fits nicely into one lane (* with lotsa empty space on the left and right to boot) it isnt as if its a BMW 7, or a bus ( even a bus fits nicely into one lane) so if they keep to their own lane and drive PROPERLY, they will never hit the wall on the left or right! for the simple reason that the wall doesnt cut into their lane duh. I mean i can drive along curvy lornie road at 130kmh and keep my vehicle at an almost constant 5-10 cm from the right kerb(so i give more space to the lousy drivers on the centre lane), why cant they keep their cabs on the the proper position within a lane when they drive at a slow 70 kmh?
And since they are so scared or lack the skill, travel in the middle lane lah! they are already straddling half of it anyway, might as well be considerate and take the middle lane so I can speed on in my right lane
4. They have really bad attitude.
Ok the reckless lane changing and cutting into my path was bad, but in the last few years that I drove it wasn't that bad. I didn't have to use my horn all that much.
But recently, my bro just got his license. So I put some P plates on my car to let him drive. Heh so that when things got really worse.. many cabs try to cut into my lane and bully me on the road. DUH WHAT COMPLETE STUPIDITY. I've had abt 7 years experience and will NOT let these stupid cabbies do that...they wanna cut me? Forget it. and so since the P plate has been put up, i've had to use my horns very very often.. like at least once a day. This shows how the evil cabbies like to bully newbies.
I always give way to P plate and L plate drivers, cos they are new and need the space. Nowadays I never give way to cabbies.
5. the final straw is this hit on phoebe's bum. the errant cab driver actually refused to pay me a small amt of cash ( i was asking for just a small amt of abt 90$) to cover my costs if i let my super efficient and cheap mechanic do it. She(the cabby) was going like "aiyah xiao di(yes i always get that when i'm in t shirt and berms) its just a small scratch you pay your own repair costs ok, see my cab is also damaged(of course since my car is harder than teh cab.. it was more badly damaged)"
I was like ...why shd i pay if its not my fault?? The cabby was tailgating me on a rainy day, its too bad her reaction/brakes are bad. So my gas is that she thought I was young (looks young lah and got P plate somemore) so easy to bully. Ah well. so i simply went to claim against her insurance company. Now the appointed mechanic is so much more expensive.. and actually stripped the entire bumper (its just a small scratch actually) I think it will cost the cab co's (insurance co) about 10x more. and what my usual mechanic takes abt a day to do, they have already took about a whoole week!!!
my losses due to inconvenience.. i dun even wanna talk about it. what? like today is a saturday and i didnt even go out (no car) and just stayed at home to blog. ugh.
3 words for cabbies: CANNOT MAKE IT.
For people who should have so much driving experience, they really have either bad driving skills or attitude!
1. Quite a few of them hog the right lane on major roads and expressways; they are going so slow why not just go on the middle lane and let the faster cars pass on the right lane?
2. Another important point is the way they change lanes. Quite a few cabs actually put me in situations of significant danger or inconvenience due to bad lane changing. either they dun care or have really bad speed + distance judgement,
For eg one time.. on an expressway.. i was cruising smoothly at quite a high speed on my own lane..there's no car in front or behind of me in my lane. All of a sudden this cab from the left, without signalling, switched into my lane, right in front of my car! And he was like crawling at 50 kmh!!! I was omg blare my horn, shine high beam lights, and jam my brakes all the way.. he did this abt 10m in front of me so there was barely enough time to react. I almost smashed right into him... what anIDIOT! it was so dangerous. I was going so fast, he shouldn't have cut out, without signalling somemore (even signal also cannot make it, our relative speeds are too different; driving sense tells you that you must match the speed of the cars on the lane you wanna change into).
And he should have seen me on his wing mirror (he prolly didn't check or didn't care, the stupid fool) he could have wait for me to pass since there were no cars behind me and he was way slower than me. idiot. As i driver i always look 10 cars ahead of and behind me when i drive and assess the situation properly, like who's fast who's slow and what their intentions are(like going to filter, turn left or right ahead etc etc)
many other incidence of this nature always happpen; eg another time on lornie road the exact same thing happened; i pressed my horn all the way as he happily swerved in front of my (rather fast)car while he was travelling so slowly. yes i could brake in time and slow down to avoid hitting him, but why'd he do that even when i was horning continuously at him? he can simply quit his lane changing and go back to the slower middle lane. and there's no car behind me so he can change out to the right lane when he's behind me. it makes sense cause i'm going fast and he's slow. I suspect that they have a bad attittude and just couldnt care. UGH. Anyways in this case I simply slowed down, and switch to middle and then to the left, accelerated again and overtook the vehicle on the middle lane and switched back to the right lane, IN FRONT OF THAT STUPID CAB. He's that slow. so why cause me that inconvenience? He should have let me pass before cutting out. And I was nice enough not to jam my own brakes and cause him the same inconvenience.
3. really bad spatial judgement. as i drive behind cabs , I noticed that on viaducts/ tunnels/anyplace with railings immediately on the left or right or the road, many cabs on either the right or left lane will begin to straddle lanes. Half the cab will be on the right lane, the other half on the centre. because the cabby is so scared of the tunnel/viaduct wall.
DUH what lousy drivers. the cab is a small vehicle that fits nicely into one lane (* with lotsa empty space on the left and right to boot) it isnt as if its a BMW 7, or a bus ( even a bus fits nicely into one lane) so if they keep to their own lane and drive PROPERLY, they will never hit the wall on the left or right! for the simple reason that the wall doesnt cut into their lane duh. I mean i can drive along curvy lornie road at 130kmh and keep my vehicle at an almost constant 5-10 cm from the right kerb(so i give more space to the lousy drivers on the centre lane), why cant they keep their cabs on the the proper position within a lane when they drive at a slow 70 kmh?
And since they are so scared or lack the skill, travel in the middle lane lah! they are already straddling half of it anyway, might as well be considerate and take the middle lane so I can speed on in my right lane
4. They have really bad attitude.
Ok the reckless lane changing and cutting into my path was bad, but in the last few years that I drove it wasn't that bad. I didn't have to use my horn all that much.
But recently, my bro just got his license. So I put some P plates on my car to let him drive. Heh so that when things got really worse.. many cabs try to cut into my lane and bully me on the road. DUH WHAT COMPLETE STUPIDITY. I've had abt 7 years experience and will NOT let these stupid cabbies do that...they wanna cut me? Forget it. and so since the P plate has been put up, i've had to use my horns very very often.. like at least once a day. This shows how the evil cabbies like to bully newbies.
I always give way to P plate and L plate drivers, cos they are new and need the space. Nowadays I never give way to cabbies.
5. the final straw is this hit on phoebe's bum. the errant cab driver actually refused to pay me a small amt of cash ( i was asking for just a small amt of abt 90$) to cover my costs if i let my super efficient and cheap mechanic do it. She(the cabby) was going like "aiyah xiao di(yes i always get that when i'm in t shirt and berms) its just a small scratch you pay your own repair costs ok, see my cab is also damaged(of course since my car is harder than teh cab.. it was more badly damaged)"
I was like ...why shd i pay if its not my fault?? The cabby was tailgating me on a rainy day, its too bad her reaction/brakes are bad. So my gas is that she thought I was young (looks young lah and got P plate somemore) so easy to bully. Ah well. so i simply went to claim against her insurance company. Now the appointed mechanic is so much more expensive.. and actually stripped the entire bumper (its just a small scratch actually) I think it will cost the cab co's (insurance co) about 10x more. and what my usual mechanic takes abt a day to do, they have already took about a whoole week!!!
my losses due to inconvenience.. i dun even wanna talk about it. what? like today is a saturday and i didnt even go out (no car) and just stayed at home to blog. ugh.
3 words for cabbies: CANNOT MAKE IT.
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