Monday, July 03, 2006

Common Test Results

After days of gruelling non-stop marking, and data entry and processing, followed by compilation of statistics, the collated common test results are out!!

Overall, cohort wise, it was somewhat ....discouraging... to put it mildly.

For a straightforward paper with mostly fact and recall with some application and evaluation question.. we really expected better. I just feel sad.

Ah well I do have one good piece of news for myself and prolly some of my audience here...

errr no there is no moderation in view of world cup

The good news is, 3R is the top class amongst the whole cohort, in terms of class average score (mean subject grade or MSG).

See 3R, I did tell you in class that I was least worried about you and you all will mostly do fine yah? I was right! This is a tribute to your consistent efforts and great attitude...Most of the time I'm right about stuff.

So as an encouragement to others... it's not too late!! remember, building knowledge is like constructing a building. It takes effort, planning, deliberate action, and most of all consistent effort and time. You can't build a great piece of architecture overnight! The foundation must be laid, and usually that is the slow and ugly part. you cant see the building for a long long time. But once the foundation is laid carefully and firmly, through day after day and month after month of careful consistent effort, the rest of the building can spring up easily and quickly.

If the foundation is not laid properly, the whole building cannot stand and will collapse. And yoiu simply can't build a good or wondeful work or architecture if construction is done hastily. With hasty work, you just end up building a couple of shacks.

And so it is with learning. Learning is a daily affair, when you give thought, deliberation, and meticulous attention to what you are seeing and hearing- that builds foundation. Last minute mugging just doesnt cut it, you don't learn anything, but just have a hodge podge slum of desperately memorise snippets.

For some of you who've been trying hard, don't worry, maybe your building takes longer to materialize but keep at it; one day it will appear! You might want to check on the building plans tho...

So there seeya folks

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